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Matching donor embryos with adoptive families everywhere

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These are a few of our matched families who have been matched some have either gotten pregnant
or had an EA matched baby since we began in 2003!


matchedcouplespic3 matchedcouples1

H.B. family Baby Born! 2-2005


Baby born! Sept 2005 (R and G) / 2nd born May 2007

Embryos Matched
1 Embryo
Bio Red head
Vexxxxxxx Either Anonymous Matched June 2024View
1 Female Embryo Broxxx Married Open email/updates View dropped out  June 2024
 1 Female bio male is Chinese
Egg Donor 9128
Po Either Anonymous Matched June 2024 khView
2 Embryos  (1  female 1 male and 1 untested) Crxxxxx Either Open View last 3 matched  pr 2024
10 Eggs Only Raxxxx Either Anonymous View
matched Apr 2024
2 Embryos Whxxxxx Married Adopters choice View Matched Apr 2024
match pending 4 Embryos from Egg Donor 3 NHFC 9128 1 Female 1 male Poxxx
NHFC 9128
Either Married or
Email View
1  Embryo from  Egg Donor 1 NHFC 9284  PGD tested 1 embryo Poxxx 9284 Either Married or single Email View
1 male  Embryo Crxxxxx     Matched March 2024 View
last 2 Embryos Egg Donor
Asian (Philipino) /  Hispanic / Caucasian /Italian descent
Maxxxxa Married Willing to be contacted Matched Feb 2024View
2 of 14 bio Maxxx Married Anoymous View matched 2 of 14 Feb 2024
2 Embryos used Egg Donor Dexxxx Either Agency Liasion View Matched Feb 2024
4 Embryos Anxxxxx Either Married or
Willing to be contacted possibly through agency to start View
Matched Jan 2024
1 Embryo
Luxx Either Anonymous View Matched Dec 2023

4 Embryos
1/2 Africa 1/2 Caucasian
Saxxxxxx Etiher Anonymous View
Matched Dec 2023
1 Embryo Egg Donor Brxxx Married Some communication so the children can know each other View
Matched on own
 1 Embryo Arxxx Either Married or Single Anonymous View Matched Nov 2023
3 Embryos  (1  female 1 male and 1 untested) Crxxxxx Either Open View Nov2023 2 female of the origina 5 were adopted
3 PGD tested 1 female 2 male and 2 mosaic Anxxxx Case by case Bi-annual updates View Oct 2023
3 Embryos Suxxxxx Either Anonymous willing to be contacted View Matched Oct 2023
1 Embryo from Egg Donor Shxxxx Married Agency Liasion ViewMatched Sept 2023
3 Embryos Sperm Donor Kaxx Either Anonymous View Matched
3 Embryos (Cape Verdean and Dominican) Elxxxxxx Married Open After 18 Matched
5 Embryos Pureto Rican/Jamaican Maxxxxxx   coming soon found on own May 2023
match pending 4 Embryos from Egg Donor 3 NHFC 9128 2 male matc 1 male remaining) Poxxx
NHFC 9128
Either Married or
Email 2 male pendilg match Rax and Daxx View
1  Embryo from  Egg Donor 1 NHFC 9284  PGD tested 1 embryo Poxxx 9284 Either Married or single Email Match pending Ayx View May 2023
2 Embryos Irix Married Open want pictures annualy and more after 18 View pending counselor letter paperwork Mar 2023
1 Embryo Sperm Donor Jexxx Either Married or
Anonymous View did not send in paperwork on hold
2 egg donor Embryos Mxxia Either Anonymous View not donating Apr 2023
2 Female Embryos PGD Krxxxxx Married Adopters can decide View
2 coming soon Maxxx ed     View
5 Embryos used an egg donor Maxxxxx Married Open to having email contact View Mathed Jan 2023
2 Embryos Egg Donor Colxxxx Married Whatever adopters want View
1 Male Embryo Svxxxxxx Married Anonymous (adopters can decide) View
Matched Dec 2022
4 Embryos Egg Donor Maxxx Married Willing to be contacted View Matchrd Nov 2022
4  Embryos Raxxxxx Either Whatever adopters prefer View
2  Embryos
Bhxxxxx Married some openess View Matched No 2022
1 Male Embryo Angxx Married Not sure yet View Matched Oct 2022
 2 Embryos Shxxxx Married some openess preferred View Matched
5 Embryos used 2 3 remain divorce Suxxxx Married or Single Anonymous
Willing to be contacted
View Matched 3 remaing Aug 2022
2 Egg donor Maxxxxx Married Willing to be contacted View
2 Embryos used an egg donor Alxxxxx Married Willing to have updates View Matched
2 Male PGD tested Embryos Krxxxx Married Want at least annual updates til 18
Willing to be contacted
View Matched
4 African from egg donor and sperm donor Kix Either Open or email View Matched
5 tested Laxxxx Married Closed View Matched
2  Embryos
 India + 2 abnormormal
Shxxxx Married Some Openess preferred  View
1 Asian some caucasian Egg Donor Mixx Either Want to know if a baby is born with picture View Matched Mar 2022
2 Embryos Paxxxxxx Married Anonymous View
Match pending
4  of 8 Embryos
Shxxxx Married Some Openess preferred  ViewMatched 4 of 8 2 m 2 f
2 Embryos Elixxxxxx Partners/Married Willing to be contacted View MATCH RESCUED!
2 Embryos Jox Married leaning toward anonymous may want to see pictures View Matched Dec 2021
2  Embryos on hold Trxxxx Married Closed/Anonymous View on hold til psych eval done  Jan 2022
4 of 8
India Eastern side
Chxxxxxxx Married Case by Case View last 4 matched Jan 2022
  1 Embryo Pexxxx Married Anonymous View Matched Nov 2021
8  Embryos 4 male 1 female 4 untested Chinese Irxx Married Open View On Own math Oct 2021
1 PGD Female Embryo Coxxxxxxx Married or (Single under 42) Closed View Matched
Oct 2021
2 Embryos Egg Donor Loxx Married Anonymous View Match pending Oct 2021
2 Egg Donor Dixxx Married Anonymous (want to know if a child is born only) View Matched
1 Egg Donor Erxxx Either
and records are already available
View Matched Oct 2021
1 Asian Egg Donor
set to be destroyed Sept.
Maxxxxx Either Closed View
ept 2021
3 Embryos Hispanic
Bexxxxxx Married Want to know outcome/ willing for contact  via email/phone View moved on
1 used sperm donor Lix Either Open View matched
1 Male and 1  Female Chxxx Married Will let adopters decide View matched
8 from Avi and 8 from other Avi-  available
Egg Donor Connecticut Egg Donation Association
Avxxxxx and Avx Either Available to contact
living in Israel
View all matched
1 donor egg/donor sperm
 1/2 Chinese 1/2 Caucasian
Shexxxxx Married Up to donors View Matched
1 Egg Donor
Geneticaly tested
Charxxxxx Either Married or
Anonymous View Matched
Rixx Married under 30 Case by case View
2 Embryos Kaxxx Married Email annual updates View Matched May 2021
10-13 Embryos
coming soon
Roxxxx Married Open
Cincinnati area preferred
View no updateds from donors
2 Embryos
Reixx Married Some openess View ON HOLD
2 Embryos from Egg Donor Joxxxxw Married Some openess Matched View
2 f 1 m Embryos Genetically tested Chxxxxxxxxx Either Adopters Decide Matched View 2021
8  Embryos Egg Donor
1 male 1 Female 6 are abnormal all to one family
Ivxxxx Either Closed/anonymous View Matched
2 Embryos Jenxxxxx Married Anonymous or will let adopters decide View Matched Mar 2021
5 maybe more records requested Taxxx Married OR
Leaning toward Open View Matched Mar 2021
1 PGD tested male
on hold
Cixxx Either Some open preferred open after 18 1-21 on hold for paperwok View
5  Embryos Jesxxxx Married Anonymous Matched
1 India Kixxxx Married coming soon  
4 Embryos Tanxx to Kixxxxxx Either Anonymous Matched View
14 Embryos
Laxxx Either Willing to be contacted coming soon
1 Embryo Elixxxxx Either Anonymous View no due to genetic syndrome
2  used an Egg donor
Texx Either Anonymous (want to know if a child is born) View no response ro either
1 Female and 2 Male embryos Caxxxxxxx Either Open View Matched Sept 2020
1 part Vietnamese       discarded Sept 2020
7  Embryos
Prxxxx Married Will let adopters decide View Matched Sept 2020
1 Embryo Male
keeping the female 12-20
Elxxx Married Anonymous View
1 Embryo Bexxe Married Up to Adopter View Matched Aug 2020
6 Embryos Bexxn Either Anonymous agency liasion View
3 Embryos
used egg donor
coming June 1 2020
Anxxxx Either Updates View Matched June 2020
3 Embryos Jenxxxxxx7stg
To Jamxx 3
Either Closed View Matched  Jan 2020
3 Embryos Jacxxx-jna to Jesxxx Married Up to Adopter View  Matched Jan 2020
3 of 7 India Prxxxx Married Up to the adopter View matched Dec 2019
1 Egg Donor
Some African American/Native American
Elxxxxx Married Closed/Anonymous View Matched Dec 2019
2 Egg Donor Loxx Either Closed/Anonymous View Matched  Nov 2019
2 M and F Alxxxx Married Open View on indefinite hold Nov 2019
2 F from Egg and Sperm Donor Caxxxx to Mixx n Alxx Either Open View matched
2 Embryos Bixxxx Married Anonymous View Matched pending paperork
1 Embryo Jexxxxx Either Open View Matched   reltv
1 Male Embryo Taxxx Either Married or
Anonymous with original donor This adopter now donor wants to stay in touch for the siblings sake View matched Aug 2019
11 Embryos Vixxx Married Adopters decide View matched 3 couples Aug 2019
8 Embryos Chanxxxx Married Adopters decide View matched but adopters got PG so these are avaialble  July 2019
2 Egg Donor Maxxx Married Agency Liasion pictures to 1 year available for medical reasons beyod that View Matched July 2019
8 Embryos used sperm donor Clxxxxx Either Open and want to meet 1st in New Jersey View donated to science
2 Embryos Brxxx n Joxxxx to Amx Married Willing to communicate when child is 20 View Matched
17  Embryos Caxx 17 Either Willing to be open after 18 View Withdrew
3 Embryos Mexxxxx Married Anonymous no names no location View Matched
16-18 Embryos egg and sperm donor
Egg Donor 1264 3 male 2 not tested
Egg Donor 1144 none tested
Eastern Canada or New Zealand or Carmel Calif. ONLY
AnxMaxxx Married Open to Semi-Open want children to meet
New Zealand only
1 Female Embryo Taxxx Either Anonymous with original donor This adopter now donor willing to stay in touch for the siblings sake View Matched
2 Embryos Paxxxxx to Mexxxxx to Jaxxxx Either Anonymous Matched
1 Embryo Chaxxxxxx Either Anonymous View match on hold
2 Egg Donor
Suxxx Either Agency Liasion View Matched
1 Embryo
Faxx Either Agency liasion or adopters preference View Matched
3 Embryos Chexxx  Married Open View not available
10 Egg Donor Paxxxxxx Either Anonymous Matched Mar 2019 View
7  used an Egg donor
report CMV Negative
StxxxJ Married Anonymous (want to know if a child is born) Matched Feb 2019
1 Blast Embryo Sal to Anxx Either Closed Matched Feb 2019 View
2 Embryos Chrisxx Married Leaning toward open with updates at this point View withdrew
1 Embryo Anxxxx 1 Either Want to know if a child is born and have contact View Matched Feb 2019
2 used Egg donor Crxxxxx Kaxxx Either Whatever adopter wants View
1 Embryo Caxxxxxx Either Married or Single Anonymous No Updates No Contact Matched Dec 2018View
3 PGD Tested Female Caxxxx to Kaxxx Either Open for son to have a relationship Matched Dec 2018 View
3 Embryos
bio dad Vietnamese
Mixxxxxx Either Married or Single Some contact MatchedView Dec 2018
1 Embryo Tested Female Bexx Anx Married Anonymous Matched Dec 2018View
2 PGS Tested Embryos
1 Male 1 Female to same couple
Alxxxx Married
no children
Open for the children ViewON HOLD
3 Embryos Caxxx Married Adopters can decide View Matched
3 embryos
S. Am. backgroound
Taxxx Either Adopters can decide on openess
Matched View
6 and last 5  Embryos Jox Married Leaning toward closed View Matchd 9-18
1 Embryo (donors had some testing and believe this is female) Kexxx Either Anonymous/closed willing to be contacted for medical reasons View Matched 9-2018
4 Embryos
Bi-Racial background
Jaxxxx Married Adopters can decide viewMatched Aug 2018
2 Embryos Laxxxx Either Adopters preference
Would like updates
Matched May 2018
Egg Donor
Laxxx Married Open and Must live in or close to Colorado View Matched May 2018
6 Embryos
French Carribean biracial
Fexxx Married Some Openess View Matched Apr 2018
2 Used Egg Donor remained from group of 9 to start with Sax to Alxxxxx
(from Diane )
 Either Anonymous View Matched
5 Embryos from group with 7
Sperm donor
Prxxxxxx Either                               
6   Embryos Chxxxxx Married           Open (annual updates via email) View Matched
3 of 5 Embryos Yuxxxx Married Some openess (will let adopters decide) 2 of 5 Removed
2 Male PGS Embryos
Chinese/French Canadian will donate to any ethnicity
Suxxxxx Married Open with emails prefer near New Jersey, Delaware, or NY area but will consider other areas removed View
3 Embryos Ruxx Anxx Married                                                                                     Open Matched
1 Embryo Shxxxxx Married Open preferred maybe Agency Liasion Matched Nov 2017 View
3 Embryos Jaxxxx Married Any Matched Nov 2017 View
3 Embryos Bexx Edxx Married Will Let Adopters Decide Matched View
3 Asian Embryos E- Married Closed/Anonymous Matched
4 PGD tested
3 female and 1 male
Egg and Sperm created
Caxxxx Either Open - (keep current contact info) givingachance for children to meet Matchd Oct 2017
4 Embryos
3 male 1 female
Trxxxx Married    Will let Adopters Decide Matched Oct 2017
Started with 10 and both sets of  5  Embryos (all 10 were matched) Bexx Anx Married Anonymous
Matched (10 both sets of 5 Matched ) June and July 2017
2 Used an Egg Donor Joxxxx from Kexxxx Either Open for contact in  the future with Kexxxx's daughter Matched  June 2017
4 blasts Embryos
Egg Donor
Laxxx Married Open Found a Match May 2017 Matched
Dianne 8 Eggs only
Dixxxx 8
Either Adopters decide  April 2017Matched
6 Embryos
Egg Donor 2012
Lyxxx Married Willing to be contacted for medical Matched March 2017
3 Embryos Luxxx Either Will let adopters decide Matched
1 Female PGD
Crxxxxxx Married Anonymous Matched
5  Embryos Dexxxxx Either Will let adopters decide Matched
1 Embryo Joxxxx Married Anonymous til 21 Matched
2 Embryos
Sperm donor
Dexxxxx Married Will let adopters decide MatchedView
2 Embryos
Egg Donor
Joxxxxx from Kexxx Either Transparent for the Children  Dec 2016 Matched
1 Female PGD
Crxxxxxx Married Anonymous Matched Dec 2016
1 Embryo Joxxxx Married Anonymous til 21 View Matched Dec 2016
Brxxxxx Married Closed/Anonymous View
Matched Dec 2016
2 Embryos
Sperm donor
Dexxxxx Married Will let adopters decide View
4 Remaining Egg Donor created Sax Either Married or Single Anonymous View
9 of 15 Embryos Roxxx Married or Single Anonymmous View Matched June 2016
2 Embryos Luxx Married Or
Closed/Anonymous View Matched June 2016
1 Embryo Bexxx Either Anonymous View
6 Embryos Stxxxxxxx Married Some contact/open Matched/View May 2016
1 Male embryos Doxxa and Chxxx Married Open Matched/View
1 Embryo
Bi-racial African American
Lixx Either   View/Matched
3 of 5 Embryos Yuxxxx Married Some openess (will let adopters decide) 2 of 5 Matched
3 of 3 Embryos
Egg Donor
Joxxxx Married Anonymous only want to know if birth resulted View Matched
6 of 8 donated Anxxx Married Some contact View Matched
2 Embryos used egg donor Vaxxxxxxx Married or Single  Adopters can choose level of openess and he is willing to pay for 1/2 the procedure View not available

5 of the 8 are remaining Embryos
Egg Donor
Dexxxx Either Anonymous or Adopters Preference Matched Feb2016   View
2 Embryos Egg donor Jexxx Either Married/Single Open Matched Jan 2016 View
2 African American/Caucasian
(Bi Racial)
Dexxxx Married
Christian and Educated
Bi-racial couple only
Case by Case Matched
Jan 2016 View
7 Embryos Jexxxxxx 7 Either Closed/Anonymous Matched View Jan 2016
5 Embryos Egg Donor
@ 2014
Box Either Closed/Anonymous Matched Dec 2015 View
6 remaining blasts
2007  Used an egg donor
Sax Either Closed/Anonymous
Sperm Male willing to be contacted
Matched with same adopter as below View
0 remaining 4  Embryos
from Egg Donor
Erxxx Either Anonymous/will share
pictures and updates
Matched July 2015 View
0 of 4 Embryos
Kix Married or
Agency Liasion/email communication through the years Matched
0  remaining of 10 Embryos
for 2 families stored in straws of 2 (4 and 6)
Brxxxx Married Open- Minimal Contact Matched
0  of  15 remain embryos Roxxx Married or Single Anonymous Matched
5  Embryos
Kuxx Either Agency Liasion           
2 Asian India
Asxxx Married Open Matched
1  Egg Donor
Crxxxxxx Married Will let adopters decide on hold til baby is born View
1 Egg Donor
Arx Married   Matched shipping pending View
2 Embryos
Saxxx Either Married or
Closed/Anonymous Matched
1 Embryo
Laxxxx Married/Christian Closed but willing to be found if child wants when an adult/18 Matched
6  Embryos
 Egg Donor 2011
Kexxx Married/Christian Agency Liasion Matched
3 PGD tested all male Bexx egg donor Open for a relationship with the children and prefer non-religious Married Matched
Egg Donor
Sax Married or Single Anonymous no future contact
would consider sharing placenta storage
3 India (Asian)
PGD tested female
Axxx Married
Agency Liasion/Limited Open Matched
6  Remaining Embryos
(had 11 now (all 11) all eleven have been adopted)
Other 6 now available
Jaxxxx Married Adopters choose Matched
7 using Egg Donor Kexxx Married or
Open for siblings Matched
4 Embryos Suxxx to Coxxx For a
Jewish or Jewish/Cathloic-Jewish/Christian couple (adopter only)
Would like to stay in touch Matched
3 Embryos Juxxx Married only Email Matched
3 Embryos
Mixxxxx Married or
Limited Open Matched
0 Remaining Embryos
(had 11 now (all 11) all eleven have been adopted)
Other 6 ready to donate
Jaxxxx Married Adopters choose Matched
2 Embryos Mexxxxx Married or
1 Male Embryo Doxxx Married Open Matched
2 Embryos Match pending Anxx Married or Single Anonymous/
first in
5 Embryos Amxxxx Married or Single Some contact may consider through agency liasion Matched
2 Embryos Naxxx Married (case by case for singles) Open unless the adopters want less Matched
4 Embryos  Jexxxxxx P Married Will consider any level donors request Matched
7 Available Embryos 6 have been used- started with 13 Caxxxxxxx Married or
Open and or agency liason Matched
4 Embryo Bryxx
Married Open
4 Embryos Jex M. to Gaxxxxxx Married Anonymous Matched
2 Embryos Kex Married Agency Liasion Matched
1 Embryo Trxxx Married or
Want to know if a baby is born etc Matched
7 Embryos Row 4Hexxx to Stxxx Married or Single Anonymous Matched
11 Embryos Kaxx Married Or
1st in
4 Embryos Brxxx Married Anonymous Matched
5 Embryos Sarxx Married Open
(willing to discuss how much)
3 Embryos Egg and Sperm donor created Maxx Married Open Matched
1 Embryo
Jerxx K O Married or
Would like to stay in touch with adopters Matched
8 Embryos were matched but there turned out to be 9 so (1) one is left Jexxxxxx Married OR
Anonymous Matched
2 Embryos Scxxx Married Transparent/Open Matched
2 Embryos Dixxx Jewish adopter/s
Wants to know what happened to the embryos Matched
15 Embryos
divorcing so records are pending coming soon- as per July 2014
Sax Either Married
OR Single
Surrogates ok Matched
2 Embryos
Chxxxxxxx to Moxxxx Married ony
Surrogates ok
Agency Liason Matched
1 Embryo
first to adopt is chosen
Anxxx Either Married or
surrogates ok
Anonymous Matched
4 Embryos remaining Jexx to Melxxxx Married
Records Available
Anonymous Matched View
9 embryors created 1999
Mixxx Married Will let the adopters decide Matched
3 (believe from donor to be blasts)
Egg Donor
Joxxxx Married
(with no children preferred)
Anonymous/want emails of sex and date of birth Matched View
1 Embryo Jexxxxxx Either Closed/Anonymous Matched
4 of 7 Embryos
Toxxx Married Closed/Anonymous Matched
4 Embryos @2013 Saxxxxxx Married only Closed/Anonymous Matched View



Embryo's Alive
(See paperwork)
Cincinnati, Ohio 45242-5020

Hours 9:30 to 4:30 Monday–Friday Eastern Standard Time

Phone: 513-518-7006 Fax: 727-489-2427

Copyright © 2022 Embryos Alive. All rights reserved