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Matching donor embryos with adoptive families everywhere




Hope this finds you doing well.

Hard to believe that two years ago we were only dreaming of becoming parents and now, wow two years later look who's about to turn two:) Our sweet angel Dylan. You and your team made reality to us becoming parents and we thank God every day for this awesome opportunity. Dylan is one very sweet boy and mommy is going to be so sad when the day comes that he's no longer her snuggle bear;) lol

He's becoming such a big boy now and most independent...that terrible twos thing is starting

Just wanted to share with you a little bit of what Dylan's been doing. Of course you see him yesterday figuring out how the hose works and enjoying himself and he loves his cozy coupe and playing at the arboretum. We've been out and about and he's mommy's little buddy;)

Hope all is well your way and I know you are making miracles happen as you did for us. If we can ever be of any assistance, please let us know. Would love to share our experience through embryo adoption as it's the most exciting thing life has to offer becoming parents and experiencing all that goes along with it. You made the process simple and a joy and now look at the glory of God's work through you in helping make miracles happen:)

Thank you Bonnie and Embryos Alive for helping us become parents and for allowing us this great honor to give birth to such a sweet sweet and handsome boy. Dylan is the light of my life and we cannot thank you enough for this opportunity.

Happy Birthday to Dylan who's turning turn and so excited to attend his first baseball game for his birthday;)


Hello Cindy,

I'm Becky. It's our pleasure to wholeheartedly recommend Bonnie and her services to you. It was extremely difficult for us to part with our embryo's. We stored them for years, and once we decided to donate them, we had to find the right agency for us. We found the biggest ones rather cold and impersonal. Then we found Embryos Alive. Bonnie was a breath of fresh air, so warm and friendly. Her experience was evident as we probed deeper into the process. She helped us navigate all the aspects there were in finding the right couple for us. Because we had specific criteria, we eliminated a lot of potential couples. Never once did Bonnie seem impatient. On the contrary, she reassured us the right couple was out there, and she'd keep presenting families till we connected with one. That day did come, and I can't express to you to feeling of peace we felt in placing our embryos with the family of our choice. Bonnie facilitated the contract and all the paperwork we had to notarize. She made it simple, even though again, we were difficult in negotiating details. Bonnie was patience personified, and her nurturing quality saw us through to the finish. You've found the right person to help you accomplish your goal of donating your embryo's It's a gracious thing to do, we admire your decision, and wish you a blessed journey!

Happy Donors,

Becky and Steve


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