Biological Sperm Male: Football in college and
Biological Egg Female: Currently a stay at home mom
Biological Sperm Male: Sales
Anything Else?
Info about embies available:
# in storage
1 (see disclaimer)
# of days old they are
Embryology report requested
quality if you know it
Lab work requested Oct 28 2014
when were they stored
2009 (see disclaimer)
how many babies were conceived from this
Boy now age 3 and a Girl now age 1 (started
with 5 transferred 2 each time)
anything else?
About the family donors
want to choose:
Transparent/agency liaison/ anonymous
Closed but willing to be contacted for any reason
and willing to be open after 18
preferred age range of couple??
Case by case basis
any # of kids in the home
Case by case basis
surrogates ok?
Case by Case basis
From another country?
U.S. only
anything else to add ?
Adopters should be Christians. Donors want to know if
pregnant, when the baby is born first name and sex, they are
available to be found/meet if the child (when he/she is an
adult) wants.