Embryos Available:
Info about donors:
Height and Weight
Female Bio Donor:: 4' 11" 120 lbs Male Bio
Donor 5'10" 205 lbs
Hair and Eye Color
Female Bio donor:: Green eyes Brown hair
Male Bio Donor Blue eyes Brown hair
Female Bio Donor:: 34
Male Bio Donor 35
Number of Children and How Conceived
Ethnic Background
Female Bio Donor: Caucasian Male Bio Donor: Caucasian
Religious Background (and importance)
Female Bio Donor: Christian regular attenders Male
Bio Donor Christian same
Level of Education
Female Bio Donor: College Graduate
Male Bio Donor: College Graduate
Hobbies and Interests
Female Bio donor: Quilting and Reading
Male Bio Donor Fishing
Female Bio donor: Stay at home mom- part time Certified
Nursing Assistant Bio Donor: Military
Info about embies available:
# in storage
10 remaining checking records to confirm(see disclaimer)
# of days old they are
Records requested- pending Dec 10 2014
quality if you know it
Lab work requested (see disclaimer)
when were they stored
how many babies were conceived from this procedure
Transferred 2 and got twin boys now 3 years old
anything else?
About the family donors want to choose:
Transparent/agency liaison/ Email/Anonymous
Openwith minimal contact (see
below information)
Preferred age range of couple??
Case by case basis prefer under 49
# of kids in the home
Case by case basis
Donate to a family from another country?
U.S. only
Can adopters use a surrogate?
anything else to add ?
They would like to know if any live
births occur and to hav the names of those parents and
basic information of any children. They would like for
the children to know they exist and when the child/ren
wants more information on them or the process they have
the ability to contact them-describe it as open with
minimal contact while young (unless the parents have
questions) with full access to their contact when
the child is ready and wanting that information.
Requesting some storage reimbursement