Hair and Eye
Color Female Donor: Blonde Blue eyes Sperm Donor: Light
brown (blonde as a child) Green eyes
Height and
Weight: Female Donor '5'6" 150
Sperm Donor: 5' 10" 160 slim and muscular buid
Female Donor: 39
Sperm donor late 20's early 30s
Number of
Children and How Conceived: 0 partner does not want to have
children now
Background Female Donor: German Scandinavian
Sperm Donor: German and Scandinavian
Background (and importance) not important
Level of
Education Female Donor PysD
Sperm Donor: B.A. in journalism
Hobbies and
Interests Female Donor: Wake boarding
Sperm Donor: Wake boarding, fine dining and is an accomplished
Female Donor: Psychologist
Male Donor: Real estate agent
Info about
embies available:
# in storage 1
# of days old
they are
quality if you
know it
when were they
stored 2020
how many babies
were conceived from this procedure: None partener does not
want children now.
anything else?
About the family
donors want to choose:
Married/Singles Either married or single
Preferred age range of
couple: under 46
Any # of kids in the home: Case by
Surrogates ok? Yes
Will donate to
parent from another country? Yes
Anything else
to add ? Stored overseas and she will pay to have it shipped to
your clinic and will repeat any necesary tests in the US.
Disclaimer: Profiles for this website and related content were
prepared as informational and/or to expedite the adoption process.
While we strive to provide correct information, neither the donors nor
Embryos Alive, nor any of their employees, makes any warranty, express
or implied, or assumes any legal responsibility for the accuracy,
completeness, or usefulness of any information. We do however request
donor's embryology and laboratory results to provide to your clinic
for their review and acceptance.