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Matching donor embryos with adoptive families everywhere

Embryos Available

Embryos Available:

Lixx H. sperm donor

Info about donors:

Height and Weight

Bio Mom: 5' 7"  130 lbs  Sperm Donor: 5' 9" lbs

Hair and Eye Color

Bio Mom: Brown hair Brown eyes  
Sperm Donor:  Blonde hair Blue eyes


Bio Mom: 39    Sperm Donor:   

Number of Children and How Conceived

 Started with 3 embryos transferred 1 - a son was created from these embryos.
The sperm donor has at least 11 other children that were born from his sperm living in Denmark, the U.S. and Iceland  (half siblings to this donor with some pictures available)

Ethnic Background

Bio Mom: Russian/Polish/Australian/African American
Sperm Donor: Danish and he originally donated to the Nordic cryobank in Copenhagen

Religious Background (and importance)

Bio Mom: Half Christiam/Half Jewish (mother)

Sperm Donor: Lutheran

Level of Education

Bio Mom: Bronx High School of Science, University of California at Berkley and M.I.T.  Masters (M.B.A. and city planning  M.C.P.)
Sperm Donor: studying for Masters in Bioinformatics

Hobbies and Interests

Bio Mom: Devoted volunteer/TravelCamping// Horseback riding/Loves animals

Sperm Donor: Diving/Swimming/Nature/Hiking/PhotographyComputers/Politics/Travel/ Theater/Cooking/Foreign Languages and Programming


Bio Mom: Financial analyst specializing in Public Finance, credit analysus and capital markets for over 20 years
Sperm Donor:  Prior to grad school he was an IT instructor, web designer and programmer. Expectsto become a marine biologist after graduate school.


Info about embies available:

# in storage

 1 blast Embryology report reuested (see disclaimer)

# of days old they are

Blast  vitrified    Embryology report requested  (see disclaimer)

Quality if you know it

Embryology report requested (see disclaimer)

When were they stored

2007  (see disclaimer)

How many babies were conceived from this procedure

One son from these embryos and the sperm donor (see above) has several other children (see disclaimer)

Anything else?


About the family donors want to choose:

Transparent/agency liaison/email/ anonymous

Willing to have whatever relationship the adopters want- will be available after the child is 18. The bio mom has been in touch with several half siblings from the sperm donor. Several of the half siblings have met and he moms enjoy a community group on Facebook where they post pictures and events as the children grow up.


Married or /Singles

Either Married or Single

Preferred age range of couple?? Case by case
Number of kids in the home
Case by case
Surrogates ok?

Will donate to parent from another country?

Case by Case basis

Anything else to add ?

  (see disclaimer) clinic has had them in storage and there is a storage bill due


Disclaimer: Profiles for this website and related content were prepared as informational and/or to expedite the adoption process. While we strive to provide correct information, neither the donors nor Embryos Alive, nor any of their employees, makes any warranty, express or implied, or assumes any legal responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information. We do however request donor's embryology and laboratory results to provide to your clinic for their review and acceptance.

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