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Matching donor embryos with adoptive families everywhere



·    National statistics indicate a 40% chance frozen embryos will thaw that is up up until 2007 with the use of the vitrification process estimates are that those frozen after 2007 and with the vitrification process 70% to 90% may thaw. 
Of those that thaw, there is a 50% chance they will attach to the lining. (those frozen after 2007 may have better statistics to report)

·     The adoptive couple may give birth to the sex of the child you 
 had hoped for.

·    Caution to the anonymous option: your children could go to college, meet, and marry.

·     FDA and SART guidelines from May 2005 require that clinics obtain initial donor blood work and re-test at three (3) months after IVF.  Adopter clinics may or may not request this additional blood work, which is covered by insurance under infectious diseases. If not covered by insurance, adopters will be asked to pick up the cost.

·     Cord Blood storage is an option for unforeseen possible illness of your child(ren) in the future.

·    If you are pregnant you can contact us and let us know that you want to donate-- but we recommend that you wait until the baby(s) are born - just in case of any unforeseen complications, where you may need the frozen embryos for yourself.

 ·    The time it takes to match your embryos varies. We must have the embryology, blood lab test results of AIDS, STD’s, and Hepatitis report from your clinic, which can take days, weeks, or months to obtain in order for adoptors clinics to consider accepting. (egg donor and sperm donor eligibility letter also required for donated egg or sperm or both)

·    You, E.A., the adoptive parents(s), and potential little ones are pioneers. We have no idea what issues or emotions may arise in the future, but we all have the love and best interest in mind for each other, especially the little ones!

·    We have a dedicated Yahoo support group for parents who donated and children who were born:



Embryo's Alive
Cincinnati, Ohio 45242-5020

Hours 9:30 to 4:30 Monday–Friday Eastern Standard Time

Phone: 513-518-7006 Fax: 727-489-2427


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