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(See paperwork)  Cincinnati, Ohio 45242-5020   

  Phone: 513-518-7006 


Matching donor embryos with adoptive families everywhere

Embryos Available

Embryos Available:

Naxxxxx 2

Info about donors:

Height and Weight

Bio Mom: 5/6"  lbs  Bio Dad: 5"8 180 lbs

Hair and Eye Color

Bio Mom: Light straight Brown hair Green eyes  
Bio Dad:  Very Dark Slightly Wavy Brown Hair Brown Eyes


Bio Mom:  39   Bio Dad: 35  

Number of Children and How Conceived

One girl from a prvious IVF cycle (now 7 years old) and one boy from this IVF cycle (now 5 years old) created from these embryos

Ethnic Background

Bio Mom: Croation Jewish/Serbian
Bio Dad: German/Mexican 

Religious Background (and importance)

Bio Mom: Atheist/ Progressive

Bio Dad: Christian, Catholic, not a regular church goer

Level of Education

Bio Mom: Academic Physician and surgeon with a masters in Electrical Engineering
Bio Dad: Physician Pathologist

Hobbies and Interests

Bio Mom: Amateur Astronomy and space exploration, ice skating, skiing, multilingual, music, piano,  bicycling, Esperanto, travel, gardening with native species, prerving biodiversity, environmental stewardship,social justice

Bio Dad: Violin/Piano, music composition, guitar, ice skating, skiing, bicycling, travel, environmental stewardship


Bio Mom:  Physician and Surgeon
Bio Dad: Physician 


Info about embies available:

# in storage

 2  Embryology report available (see disclaimer)

# of days old they are

Blast Embryology report available  (see disclaimer)

Quality if you know it

Embryology report available (see disclaimer)

When were they stored

2009  (see disclaimer)

How many babies were conceived from this procedure

One son now 5 (have a daugther 7 from a previous IVF (see disclaimer)

Anything else?


About the family donors want to choose:

Transparent/Agency Liaison/Email/ Anonymous

Open between 5-10 specifics to be determined




Preferred age range of couple?? 30-40-s
Any # of kids in the home
Prefer 0 or one at most- Case by case basis
Surrogates ok?

Will donate to parent from another country?

Prefer U.S. but will consider on case by case basis

Anything else to add ?

  (see disclaimer) Looking for a married couple where both parents are working professionals with at least one parent with an advanced degree (Masters or beyond)  Family should have one child or less. No firearms in the house, no high risk activities such as ATV's hunting, no excessive tatoos. No mysticism or astrology. Family must agree to vaccinate children. Prefer family who is progressive


Disclaimer: Profiles for this website and related content were prepared as informational and/or to expedite the adoption process. While we strive to provide correct information, neither the donors nor Embryos Alive, nor any of their employees, makes any warranty, express or implied, or assumes any legal responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information. We do however request donor's embryology and laboratory results to provide to your clinic for their review and acceptance.

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